Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Being Broke and Loving It

I'm always so worried about money, thinking "I should go back to work now. I should look for a job. But is it worth it to have to pay for child care? How will I make it without the boys' disability benefits? " Worry, worry, worry. Yesterday, after running errands all day, Spencer and I got Alex off the bus and went to the park. Playing with my boys outside in the fresh air, watching them climb and run, hearing their laughter, I thought "Being able to do this is worth being broke." I'm going to hang on for as long as I can and enjoy every minute of it!


Amnesia said...

I really like the new style...looks great.

tinymatters said...

Thanks, amnesia. Wish I could take credit for it. The design is from Amanda at

JennX said...

Fabulosity!! the new look and the great post. finish school, don't you dare walk into a job unless its your dream job!!! Patience girly, it's coming. Its all going to be perfect for you when it happens.