But the saying still applies. I may have grown the lemons, but they still make damn good lemonade. I can't live my life regretting my mistakes. I have to try to learn from them and make the most of what I've ended up with. Everything that has happened in my life, whether or not I had control over it, has made me who I am today. Crazy, mixed-up, joyful, optimistic, sensitive, moody, happy, loving, cock-eyed, life-embracing me. I wouldn't trade a drop of it for the world. My lemonade is sweet!
Up on the watershed
Standing at the fork in the road
You can stand there and agonize
Till your agony's your heaviest load
You'll never fly as the crow flies
Get used to a country mile
When you're learning to face
The path at your pace
Every choice is worth your while
'Watershed' by the Indigo Girls