Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I love having a capable, trusted respite worker. Andrew is like family. He knows Alex and Spencer better than anyone, and they absolutely adore him. He schools them in all things Star Wars, gives them lots of love, and makes sure they are safe and happy. And Mommy can go away happy and not worrying about a thing. I'm laying in bed in a hotel room outside Boston right now. I've barely even thought about the boys this morning. I needed this break. Time to let go of all the stress and worrying, recoup and refuel. I'm so grateful the Universe brought this amazing guy into our lives. I don't think he knows just how special and awesome he is...but I do know my boys will remind him of that with all of their adoration and idolizing of him today and tomorrow. He deserves it!

1 comment:

TheLazyQuilter said...

Enjoy the vacay! We're trying to enjoy our staycay lol