Monday, August 29, 2011

Count Your Blessings and Pass Them On

I really appreciate my step-son's positive attitude in the wake of his "tragedy" caused by Hurricane Irene. He matter-of-factly informed me that his hard drive was fried. No swearing, no tears, no sweat.

Here we are complaining about the power being out, the phones not working, etc. Have we already forgotten all of the people in Haiti who are still homeless almost two years after the earthquake? It's times like these that I'm reminded of my belief that the Universe sends hardships to remind us that we are really blessed, that things could be a lot worse. Even those who have lost their homes and businesses in the last 48 hours will have a much better chance of recovery than anyone in Haiti or any third-world country, in part because of our public and private relief agencies and in part because of the helping hands of neighbors and community members. I hope we all, myself included, can remember to put our energy into helping others instead of focusing on our minor inconveniences and losses.

Peace and healing to all.

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