I worked myself into exhaustion today. By late afternoon I felt like I was dragging around giant logs for my limbs and that I could easily lay down on the floor and fall immediately into a deep sleep. Then I got a second wind...and I can't get rid of it. I'm tired, but my brain doesn't want to shut off. I tried distracting myself with my usual bedtime ritual of reading, but I got to the end of my latest Koontz book and I was still wide awake.
Maybe it's just that I have so much on my mind with getting ready to move. Oh, I've been meaning to blog about that. We're moving. Not far, just south 30 miles or so. Into a four bedroom cape cod. In three weeks and two days! I have so much to do. So many things to organize and get rid of and pack and clean. And I can't wait for the day to get here. I can't wait to move. I'm just a bit overwhelmed by it all.
I've been in this little house for over two years, on my own with my little guys. But then again not really on my own. From day one Caroline, Caitlin, and Kirsten have been here, if not in the house then just a few steps away. They've become like sisters to me, and like aunts to the boys. Caroline is like a guardian angel, and Cate and Kir, almost young enough to be my daughters, are my constant companions and friends. Leaving them is going to be hands down the worst part about moving. I'll miss them terribly.
But look what I get instead. To be with a wonderful man every day. To go to sleep and wake up next to him every night and every morning. To spend my time with this person with whom I share so many interests, passions, and philosophies. To have a partner for life. For this, that which I had all but stopped hoping for, I'll gladly suffer the temporary stress and exhaustion that comes with moving.
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